Own-trumpet blowing time!
February 03, 2007
I'm delighted to say that my Encyclopedia of Perennials has been very well received. Thank you to everyone who's reviewed it, here's just a selection of those easily accessible online. Just click on the jacket on the left to order a copy of either the American or the British edition.
“The book is very well put together, fully and lavishly illustrated with numerous photographs of a very high quality and reproduced to a size sufficient to clearly see flower detail…
"Touted as ‘the definitive illustrated reference guide’ this certainly
meets the description and surpassed my expectations, taking
encyclopedic works to a new level.”
Royal Horticultural Society's Plantsman magazine
"Along with its clarity, the book is enhanced by boxes on everything from the invasive peril of purple loose- strife to how and when to move peonies. Graham is not afraid to confront an evil-doer when he sees one, and the encyclopedia takes Lythrum head on. "Purple loosestrife spreads extensively both by seeds and with its creeping roots; it should not be sold or planted." To which I can only say, "Amen."...
"And there are lots of marvelous photos, but none are scrunched into the
pages like the postage-size variety that many encyclopedias tease us
New York Newsday
“I'm happy to report that the American Horticultural Society's
Encyclopedia of Perennials is considerably livelier than most other
reference works. The text is well-written and accessible…. Most
significantly, someone on the editorial team saw the usefulness of
sidebars and boxes containing information on companion plantings,
flower structure, cultivation advice, and other odds and ends. The
sidebars are often illustrated and help create the dynamic,
information-packed look of the publication. Oh, and the photography is
beautiful. I was impressed by the vibrancy of the colors, especially in
the close-ups.”
Gardening While Intoxicated blog
"...this encyclopedia inspires - with its gee-orgeous photos, of single
plants and of whole beds and everything in between. Nothing like those
abominable extreme close-ups we see in catalogs that show us nothing
about what the plant actually looks like. And there are terrific
sidebars - listing sun-proof hostas, even slug-resistant hostas, or
suggesting ways to design with various perennials, like turning us on
to the to-die-for combo of blue hostas and ferns - in drifts. Even the
dark side of perennials is revealed - think powdery mildew on Monarda -
so this is not the usual advertising copy put out by growers."
Garden Rant blog
"What distinguishes this volume from other plant encyclopedias is its careful attention to detail. There's a short description of each genus, along with notes on cultivation, propagation, and special problems -- the diseases and pests that afflict each one.
"Throughout the book, there are special "notes" on a wide variety of subjects: how the plants were named, their origins, how to combine them with other plants, and much more. You'll learn about noctural daylilies, many of which are fragrant; which irises are dependable re-bloomers; the Barhaven strains of primroses developed by Florence Bellis in Oregon.
"Every designer and dedicated gardener will value this book for its
wealth of information and the many beautiful images showing different
cultivars. The book is filled with photos of plants in successful
combination -- colors, shapes, and textures that work together
particularly well."
Garden Design Online blog
"Sometimes you come across a book you know will be one of the most useful books you possess, constantly off the bookshelf and in your hands, one you will enjoy for years to come. The Encyclopedia of Perennials is such a book....
"Unusually, this encyclopedia not only gives detailed information, but it is also a good read."
THE Gardening Website
"Editors selected perennials of quality and endurance, new plants that are expected to endure, plants with long-term availability, hard-to-find noteworthies that should be made more available, and obscure gems that need to be brought to light.
"The A to Z Directory, arranged by genus name, includes scientific and common names, full descriptions of cultivation, propagation, problems, and cultivars, color photography, and informative sidebars about plant history, flower structure, and design tips – many on companion planting....
"No doubt about it, give yourself the gift of this book. Grab it, curl up, get comfy, start planning. The Encyclopedia of Perennials will give you winters of pleasure. While you’re at it, give one to your favorite gardener. You can’t miss."
Dig-It magazine