The Winter Garden - Book review
Ivy goes green and grows like crazy!

Echinacea article in The Plantsman

Plantsmanechinaceacover My article A new dawn for Echinacea features in the new issue of The Plantsman magazine from the Royal Horticultural Society. It's a survey of recent breeding in Echinacea hybrids with lots of pictures.

You can read the article online here.

There's more on echinaceas, including a link to a slide show of Thompson & Morgan's breeding-in-progress here.

Royal Horticultural Society members can subscribe to The Plantsman here (please do, it's an excellent magazine). Everyone else can subscribe here.

These are the rates for a one-year subscription:
RHS members
UK members and affiliates £25
Overseas members and affiliates £38

Non-RHS members
UK £32
Overseas standard mail £45
