Another nameless plant
My new blog on plant trials and awards

Looking different today...

Well, this morning the good people who host this blog "threw a wobbly" as we sometimes say in England and dumped out the design of the whole blog and turned it all blue. Of course, it wasn't actually a person, it was their usually very dependable technology, but still...

PotentillaWilliamRollisonNorwellNurseries As it happens I was about to upgrade things anyway but in the meantime I've widened the main central column to make it all easier to read, restored the general colour theme (sort of) and done a little extra simplification... I'll get to the rest of it as soon as I've finished the piece on herbaceous potentillas I'm writing for the April issue of The Garden magazine from the RHS. I know herbaceous potentillas are not in the first rank of perennials, but those in fiery colors, like this 'William Rollison', are simply gorgeous.

No one nursery seems to carry a really wide range, but Norwell Nurseries from Nottinghamshire in England list more than many, and plenty of geums too. Any US nurseries carry more than six or eight?
