Spring fixations
In print and online

Upcoming events

Just to let you know... I have a special series of blog posts featuring all (and I mean ALL) the new plants seen at this year's world famous Chelsea Flower Show starting soon, as well as lectures in Michigan and Pennsylvania. I'll also be judging at Chelsea in May and will report from the show here on Transatlantic Plantsman.

RHSChelseaGreatPavilion001 May 1
New Plants at the Chelsea Flower Show

Special series of blog posts from until the last day of the Chelsea Flower Show (May 23)
Starts here on 1 May

May 2
Two lecture presentations: Transatlantic Perennials + New Perennials
A double session on perennials
Master Gardener Association of Northwest Michigan

May 8 and May 9
Lecture presentation: Ultimate Plants for Small Gardens

Two presentations each day (The event also features RosalindCreasey)
Heronswood Nursery

I hope to meet you at one of these events.
