Ornamental rhubarbs - send your pictures to the RHS
June 01, 2009
The ornamental rhubarbs, Rheum, are dramatic flowering and foliage plants making bold specimens with, at their best, a very long season of interest. They're related to the culinary rhubarb, of course, but look better! You can help the Herbaceous Plant Committee of Royal Horticultural Society with our research on these plants.
After the trial of ornamental rhubarbs held at the RHS garden at Wisley, just outside London, ended in 2006 the plants were moved for further assessment and we took a look at them a few days ago. Frankly, they're a bit of a muddle. It's not as if there's a huge number of them, but the problem is that they've become so mixed up that when you buy a plant under a familiar or promising name you've little idea of what you're actually going to get. It was clear that many of the plants we assessed were wrongly named and some good plants were not represented.
These plants have five good features: the unfolding spring foliage can be very colourful, often dark red; the mature leaves can be impressive too, especially if they retain their red colouring on the upper surface and have an attractive shape; the flowering heads can be bold and colourful; the seed heads can also be impressive; and the whole plant can make a fine and imposing specimen.
So we'd like you to send us pictures of really good ornamental rhubarbs. If you have plants which are especially impressive in one, some or all of these ways - please send me a picture. Tell me the plant's name, where you got it and when you got it and it will help the Herbaceous Plant Committee of the RHS understand the range of plants which are actually being grown around the country - and under what names. Please don't send plants! Just email pictures.
Thank you! I'll report back here as we continue the research.