Surprising bicolored vine
Trachystemon - why it is called Abraham, Isaac and Joseph?

Dan Hinkley's garden at Windcliff

Over on his Next Generation Gardener blog, plantsman and garden designer Rizaniño "Riz" Reyes is sharing his recent visit to Windcliff, the garden of plantsman Dan Hinkley, whom I expect you'll know (he founded the garden at Heronswood), and his architect partner Robert Jones.

There's plenty of pictures of this richly planted garden on the blog - as well as this video. Head over to the Next Generation Gardener and take a look

The above video is only part one of his video tour, parts two and three are not on his blog but they are on YouTube. And you can watch them here.

And here's part three of the tour of the garden at Windcliff created by Dan Hinkley and Robert Jones - shot by Riz Reyes. Thanks for sharing these videos on YouTube, Riz
