Ireland: Cafe Paradiso
Another man-made “native” plant

Our earliest snow storm - ever

October snow on a Japanese maple in full fall color. Image:© Well, one minute I’m looking over the dazzling dahlias in our garden in England, admiring how long the impatiens are flowering in the local gardens and soaking up the autumn sunshine – then two days later here in Pennsylvania it’s snowing. Our earliest snow storm ever, I’m told.

With dark clouds overhead, the fiery maples in full fall color are weighted down with soggy snow and our impatiens look distinctly sad. What’s more, a tree growing near the transmitter that broadcasts WJFF, our local public radio station, has crashed to the ground, bringing the electricity cable with it – so the station is off the air. And that’s our only source of really local weather forecasts.

However, I have to say, that brilliant fall colour looks wonderful laden with clean white snow although the breeze is loosening it now. And no trees or power lines are down here yet. Just as well as we have a house full for the weekend, family and friends here for our local Black Bear Film Festival.

Listening to the radio online the news is: more snow on the way. It’ll be good to be tucked up in the movie theatre.
