How much does it spread? 12in or 36in?
How are new perennials created?

In print and online

Time to update you on where some of my recent work has been appearing.

The Guardian newspaper
The first of a number of pieces for Britain’s finest national newspaper. I had a weekly column in its sister paper, The Observer, for a few years. It’s good to be back.
New Plants

Royal Horticultural Society website
I’ve started two new monthly series for the RHS website, both featuring plants with the prestigious RHS Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
In one I highlight one of the latest plants to receive the AGM
The first features Dianthus Candy Floss ('Devon Flavia')
In the other I pick ten Award of Garden Merit plants of a particular type or for a particular use in the garden
The first is on plants for summer containers

Amateur Gardening magazine
I’m now writing occasionally for Amateur Gardening magazine.
My first piece is about the RHS Plant Finder. It’s not available online but you can subscribe to the magazine.

New Plants blog
My Royal Horticultural Society New Plants blog continues to thrive. In the last three weeks I’ve featured these new plants.
Coreopsis ‘Red Shift’
Golden rosemary – Rosmarinus officinalis ‘Wilma’s Gold’
Digitalis purpurea ‘Serendipity
Iris ‘Impressions de Jouy’ and ‘Rose de la Vallée’
Hosta ‘Sarah’s Sensation’
Chelsea Plant of the Year - winners
Chelsea Plant of the Year - finalists

The Plantsman
June issue
I have a piece on hardiness rating systems, it’s not yet online but I hope it will be soon.

The Garden
June issue
California poppies (

If you follow me on Twitter I'll let you know when new pieces are published.
