£40 (that’s more than $60) - for a fescue!!
Victory over the plant police – for now at least

Free books for my Twitter followers

5186CY7Z35L._SS500_ Are you following me on Twitter? If you are, or if you're not, here's a chance to win a free copy of my award-winning book Hardy Perennials.

I'm now approaching 500 followers, the 500th person to follow me on Twitter will receive a free signed copy of the book. You can follow me here.

AND - by way of thanking all my other followers - I'll also be choosing one of the other 499 followers at random to also receive a free signed copy.


"Everyone who grows perennials, whether beginner or specialist, will enjoy this book."
Brian Halliwell, The Garden

Checked in this morning to find I'd passed 500 followers. And the 500th was Garden Addict (@garden_callus). Congratulations, your book will be on its way to you soon.

Then, using the True Random Number Service, number 336 was generated and the 336th follower out of my first 500 followers turned out to be Jerry Peed (@HPotterGardens). Congratulations, your book will also soon be on its way. And if anyone else would like to buy a signed copy, please email me (US - $15, UK - £10. Plus shipping).

Now, after that fun way of thanking all my Twitter followers, and rewarding two of them, it's back to normal service. Big post on invasives coming next here... plus continuing tweets, but never in overwhelming numbers.

Thanks to all 503 of my followers on Twitter.
