The Hampton Court Flower Show
July 07, 2011
Been a bit quiet here at The Transatlantic Gardener, hasn't it? Sorry about that, but I've been reporting on the largest flower show in the world for the Royal Horticultural Society and, to be honest, I've been a bit busy – what with starting at the show at five in the morning.
Thirty four acres… Fifty one show gardens good, bad and indifferent… 600 exhibitors… A huge and wonderful garden of edibles of all kinds… a very impressive Rose of The Year… spectacular floral exhibits.…160,000+ visitors in a week… Over 48,000 cups of Fair Trade tea and coffee sold… 14,868 glasses of champagne enjoyed…
My contributions include:
Video report on new and interesting plants (scroll down and click the link)
Slide show report on new and interesting plants
The Edible Garden
The Plant Heritage Marquee
Cottage Garden Annuals
More to come...