Book Bullets: Two Important Re-Issues by Christopher Lloyd
December 30, 2011
No one in recent times - and not so recent times, come to that – has known plants so well, had such decided opinions about them, and written about them so persuasively as Christopher Lloyd. So what a treat to have two of his best books back in print.
“He challenged fashion, flouted conventions and poked fun at correctness,” says Fergus Garrett, who was Christo’s, and now Great Dixter’s, Head Gardener in his introduction to the re-issue of The Adventurous Gardener. And that’s what this book is about. Bursting with bold opinion, rich in planting ideas and written in his always entertaining style.
Foliage Plants, its companion re-issue, was the book that made me realize that garden writing could be funny. [What on earth was I thinking before?] In a time, almost 40 years ago, when foliage was not at all fashionable, the great man is way ahead of the rest of us with his appreciation of the value of leaves.
Have to mention, btw, that these reissues are very basic paperbacks: no color pictures, no fancy design, with the focus on the text. But of course it's the writing that counts. And, thank goodness, the botanical names are updated.
The Adventurous Gardener and Foliage Plants, by Christopher Lloyd, are published by Frances Lincoln.
- Two invaluable texts, available again with updated plant names
- Simple, elegant, but fairly basic format
Declaration of interest: I wrote a book with Christopher Lloyd back in 1997. It does not seem to be part of this re-issue program!