British Garden Writers' Guild Awards
November 20, 2007
I intended to tell you about the other British Garden Writers Guild award winners sooner but my more or less failed internet connection here in England has prevented me from doing so till now. The situation was exacerbated by my fury at the ISP which charges 10p (=20c) per minute for the phone call to discuss the correction of a problem which is entirely of their own creation – and which they repeatedly fail to correct!
Anyway… Be that as it may… When I finally got to a proper connection, first I posted an update on my own award (well, you would, wouldn’t you…?). Now, the other awards…
There follows the full list of winners. I hope to review the two other winning books before the holidays… I’m sure you’ve heard enough about my own book. If not, check out the judges’ enthusiastic remarks.
You can also see who actually judged the awards here
And you can see the Garden Writers' Guild’s own report here
Ken Muir
TV Broadcast of the Year
Grow Your Own Veg produced by Juliet Glaves for BBC Birmingham (for BBC2)
Radio Broadcast of the Year
Gardens of Faith by Natural History Unit Radio at BBC Bristol (for Radio 4), produced by Mary Colwel
Electronic Media Award edited by Camilla Phelps
New Writer Award
Louise Zass-Bangham for her article Is all wood good? in Garden Design Journal
Environmental Award
John Walker for his article Time to power down? in Organic Gardening
Photographer of the Year
Andrew Lawson
Features Photographer of the Year
Michelle Garrett for images in the article Mosses & liverworts by Jacky Hobbs in Homes & Gardens
Single Image of the Year
Jonathan Buckley for his image entitled Orchid
Reference Book of the Year
RHS Encyclopedia of Perennials by Graham Rice, Editor-in-Chief published by Dorling Kindersley
Enthusiasts' Book of the Year
Garden People: Valerie Finnis & The Golden Age of Gardening by Ursula Buchan, published by Thames & Hudson (Jacket Illustrated above)
Practical Book of the Year
RHS New Gardening by Matthew Wilson, published by Mitchell Beazley
Newspaper of the Year
The Daily Telegraph, Kylie O’Brien, Editor Telegraph Gardening
Magazine of the Year
Gardens Illustrated, edited by Juliet Roberts
Journalist of the Year
Jane Moore for articles in Gardeners’ World Magazine
Practical Journalist of the Year
Andi Clevely for his article To dig or not to dig? in The Garden
Trade Journalist of the Year
Graham Clarke for his article Developments in tougher turf in Horticulture Week